I love dreams because they reach into the deepest recesses of our
psyches and retrieve data that is then combined with reality to create
stories either that mean absolutely nothing, or are sign posts to places
we need to explore further. In this dream I am in an apartment like the ones I've inhabited in Brooklyn and Montclair -in upper floors of older homes. Everything is old and cozy.
My daughter has decided to leave (no sign of her husband in this dream). Is she going long-term? for the evening? Don't remember. But I am left to care for little Molly, my granddaughter.
But most of the dream centers on my friend Diana, who has also decided that she is moving, without her husband Evan, who is also in the dream, and being very helpful about her move. They decide to go to Manhattan to shop for items for her new place.
When they come back, they have purchased a very spiffy and shiny armoire and other items, which Evan is busy putting together. By the way, this Evan is not like the Evan I've seen and met. The Evan in my dream has long hair in a pony-tail and his hair is streaked with some kind of plastic highlight that he picks off throughout the dream.
At some point, I decide that I need to prepare some food. I pull together salad of fruit and other items. I think it is just enough and then Lenny tells me that we need to invite more people because we have so much food.
Diana also helps me to sort the fruit and salad. I have somehow put them altogether an unappetizing jumble. She asks me if I have bigger bowls, and, of course I do and I supply them. There is a small fruit in the mix that looks like a small pineapple but when opened reveals lots of little colored berries. Molly loves this and I show her how to open the pineapple.
I don't remember much more except the feeling that I was redecorating the place a little at a time throughout and feeling like it was an improvement over the shabby, dreary place it was.
Go figure. Yesterday, I had salad for lunch and salad for dinner and a small portion of cheese as a treat later in the evening. The rest of it? Diana has figured in my life as someone whom I love and admire and whose relationship with her husband I admire. Caring for my little granddaughter is something that is very natural to me as it is in the dream. But where's my other granddaughter, Lucy? And, hilariously, Lenny makes a brief appearance to advise me on the food, which is a constant in our relationship. He's always advising me about one thing or another, but especially about food.
Must have something to do with the spring cleaning blog I just wrote.